When COVID-19 meant the BWP team would not be able to do onsite corrugator process training for their customer in the Pavlovo-Posadsky district of Russia (approx. 80 km east of Moscow), they turned to technology. A global cross-functional team of JT Britton, Ian McCall, Anna Krekoten, Alex Nerney, Jesse Jeske and Martin Harris, (plus many others) collaborated to create innovative web-based training. JT said the development of this training method allows for more focused attention to weaknesses and customer concerns when they finally get onsite, rather than data gathering or general training. “We can really concentrate on the aspects they need vs. wasting time on what they already know. It has allowed us to better understand opportunities with installs to better support the customer and get them engaged earlier in the process, so the training time is ‘theoretically’ reduced when on-site.” As a result of this collaboration brought on by COVID-19, BWP recently sold their first training webinar!
BW Papersystems Innovates New Webinar Training While Fulfilling Russian Customer’s Needs