In July, Eberl Claims Service and U.S. Adjusting Services announced the combining of their business operations to offer unified claims solutions for the insurance industry. Together, the companies display a full-service claims portfolio, an extensive national adjuster network and, in Eberl President Chris Bergeon’s words, “partners who accept nothing but the highest standards of service—which we are now more equipped than ever to deliver.” READ MORE/WATCH THE VIDEO.
Internationally bestselling author and speaker Simon Sinek launched a new podcast at the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis and invited Bob Chapman to be a guest to discuss leadership and what it takes to build a great company. In introducing Bob, Simon recalled the time he visited some of Barry-Wehmiller’s US facilities, “I was blown away. I saw this corporate culture where people cared about each other. There was love in the air. I heard the stories of how they were treated at work and how they took care of each other. It was mind blowing.”
Submitted by Teresa Przybylski
“Develop an ‘attitude of gratitude’. Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything they do for you.”
– Brian Tracy
Submitted by Nicola Pargiter
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom
Submitted by Dennis Hentschel
“I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better”
– Abraham Lincoln
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of dedicated BW team members have been working behind the scenes with BW’s Communications Team to make sure team members across the globe receive important COVID-related communications in the 12 preferred languages of BW. Every time a video fromBob Chapman or important communication from the BW Culture & People Development team is translated by a third party firm, these team members–whose main roles do not include translating—must then make time to review and suggest edits to the documents to ensure the translations are correct and properly capture the cultural essence of the original message.
“Making sure we provide Bob’s updates and other communications in thelanguages that allow our team members to clearly understand the message and the sentiment behind it has been critical to keeping everyone informed and knowing that their health and safety is our top priority,” said Mary Rudder, BW’s Director of Communications. “The dedication and extra hours put forth by these volunteer translators has helped our team members see that we’re truly in this together. Without their effort and their partnership, this wouldn’t be possible.”
First Row (Left to Right): Hélène Godfrin (French), Stefania Lodi Rizzini (Italian), Ankie de Munter (Dutch) & Ingrid DeRidder (Dutch)
Second Row (Left to Right): Marie Louise Kalfas (Swedish), Denise Soydan (German), Hiroko Sakata (Japanese) & Edit Denes (Hungarian)
Not Pictured: Candy Wang (Chinese), Daniel Platschek (Spanish), Edney Fernandes (Portuguese) & Mark Herden (German)
A global BWP team awarded Sue Nessman, a project manager in BWP’s Phillips, Wisconsin (US) facility, the H3 award recently. “Some people bring issues to light, point out obstacles, and they stop there,” said Peter Lapins, BWP Sr. VP of Sales, in his nomination. “The manner Sue patiently pursues the solution to automate overly manual or unnecessary business processes is a great example for how we all should use our heads…She has the heart and patience to navigate multiple workgroups, all with different goals,… Her hands are everywhere, whether it is leading migration projects, training team members on systems, or mining the data to be used in making critical business decisions.” Sue remarked, “The team did an awesome job arranging this, to have the gifts sent and for my husband to take a bit of time off in the morning to participate in the video call, all without me knowing it!”
In the midst of all the extra work needed to make return-to-site adjustments to the multiple properties at BW’s corporate headquarters in St. Louis, BW’s Maintenance and Office Services Team were handed another challenge—five inches of water in the basement of one of the buildings where offices and a conference room were located. “While most everyone else has been working fromhome, this team has always had someone onsite, dealing with the issues and requests with their usual calm demeanor and good humor,” said Sandy Phelps, BW’s Director of Administrative Services & Facilities. “There have been a few very long days to deal with the flooding, but they took care of it.”
M.O.S.T. Members (Left to Right): Darren Facen, Team Leader Will Schreiner, Willie Robinson, Terry Lampe
Not Pictured: Kip Mullen, Mike Cole, Willie Woods & Judy Campbell
When it is time to harvest and pack fruit, produce growers throughout central California and beyond need the appropriate packaging to deliver the freshest produce to their customers. Maxco Packaging, a BW Papersystems customer in Parlier, California (USA), relies on BWP machines to fulfill that need. So, when Maxco’s corrugator developed a problem in late May, they reached out to the BWP team in Phillips, Wisconsin (USA). David Valiquette, of the Corrugating Rolls Group, and Joe Leckie, Aftermarket Sales Manager, traveled to Parlier and worked with their team to quickly solve the problem.
Joe Sepe, Maxco GM, expressed appreciation for their willingness to travel during these difficult times, but particularly for the quick and effective way that they diagnosed and fixed the problem. Joe stated that he has come to expect this level of service from BW Papersystems and that it only reinforces his confidence in the BWP team.
Incidentally, on June 29th, Maxco’s latest BW Papersystems corrugator, a $10 million project, will start up in Fowler, California.
Submitted by Bob Chapman
“Compassion is the sometimes fatal capacity for feeling what it is like to live inside somebody else’s skin. It’s the knowledge that there can never really be any peace and joy for me until there is peace and joy finally for you too.”
– Frederick Buechner